Maidenhead Magpies move to Braywick – Let’s “Check The Facts”
In this week’s Advertiser, Peter Griffin and Jamie Buckland responded to my letter of last week with JB suggesting that it is “time to check the facts”.
Great idea Jamie. Over the coming days I will be responding accordingly on the individual elements that you both raised and your criticism of my comments.
Check the Facts 1 – ‘Open and Transparent’ and ‘detailed plans presented at house sessions at York Road’.
This is easy.
1. Maidenhead RFC was at no time consulted at any level on the disposal of the land at Braywick or were any other parties that I can find.
The council have called it back in to be reviewed by the overview and scrutiny panel because of lack of consultation and questions over the process and value of its disposal. (Council Cabinet Meeting set for 27th July)
2. The RFU, Sport England and the football authorities have repeatedly asked for more detail and have been frustrated by the total lack of it.
3. Jamie Buckland states that there were ‘detailed’ consultation house sessions at York Road. I attended these sessions and they were no more than sugar coated PR sessions without any serious detail at all.
Jamie, could I ask you to distribute the detailed information that you have been given by the football club and if you could make sure you include the following it would be very much appreciated by all concerned – Retail Impact Assessment, Transport Assessment, Heritage Assessment, Travel Plan, Archaeological Assessment, Ground Contamination Assessment, Landscape Management Plan, Flood Risk Assessment, Sustainability Assessment, Sustainable Drainage Assessment, Noise Assessment, Tree Survey/Arboricultural Impact Assessment, Air Quality Assessment, Protected Species/Ecological Assessment, Statement of Community Involvement, Open Space Assessment, Marketing Assessment, Affordable Housing Plan, Viability Statement, Draft Heads of Terms for Planning Contributions, Economic Impact Assessment……
Jamie, if you could also send the ‘details’ that I presume you have received identifying proposed financials to make sure that the facility is financially sustainable from its own income, that would also be very much appreciated.
Next episode –
How is Maidenhead FC going to ‘add value’ to Braywick Park’