Smithy’s Day Walk or Run for mnda – 14th May


Maidenhead RFC Centenary Charity Event

Saturday 14th May –  “one of our own”

To take part in Smithy’s Day Walk or Run on 14th May, please email Allan Greene on [email protected]

Allan will then allocate you are time slot on the day – OVER 100 PEOPLE REGISTERED FOR SMITHY’S DAY SO FAR


We also received this inspiring message from Kevin Sinfield.  A massive thanks to him and also to Andy Fox who made this happen.

Walk or Run 13 laps (3.25 miles) of Maidenhead Athletics track

Roger Smith played for Maidenhead 1st team for 15 years starting in the early 1990’s. He was an integral part of a successful team, was fit as a butcher’s dog, a strong & uncompromising player on the pitch who gave no less than 100% each game. After the game he was one of the lads, loved a beer and a joke.  More often than not at his own expense.

Roger has been fighting MND since April 2021, supported with resilience and good humour by his wife Sophie and son Barnaby, who is 9.

Roger was born in Ormskirk, Lancashire and when he left the RAF he moved south to work for the Ministry of Defence.

Roger Smith Day is a walk or run over 13 laps of Maidenheads Athletic track and the event will run continuously for 13hrs.

Why the number 13? That’s because it’s the number Roger had on his back when he played for Maids.


This Challenge is nothing to what Roger and his family are going through at the moment.

Please help us show the fantastic support of the club toward Smithy and his family and also help raise some money to fight this dreadful disease.

We are looking for as many Maidenhead members, young, old, ex-players, present players, supporters, parents and

age groups as possible to participate in this event.

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